Regretsy Meet-Up: LA 2012

Who would have thought that people so brutal online toward poorly conceived handicrafts are such warm and friendly people to hang out with.  Well I guess I had a hunch or I wouldn’t have gone would I?  Have?

Tokyo DelvesEntering this place is like walking into a giant jukebox – which I believe was the premise for a failed Happy Days spin-off cartoon.


Our HostOur host for the evening.  Despite their over the top raunchy dances, his sensibilities were too delicate to announce our group as “Club Fuckery” as requested.  Instead we were a group of co-workers “from Finland.”  By the end of the eveing he was almost on track, calling us “Regret Website.”


Light SpeedOne of our servers making the jump to light speed.


Sake Bombs

Sake bombs awaiting deployment.


Regretsy Bot GiftApril, the mastermind behind Regretsy, was tickled by tribute Regretsy Bot I made up for her. Get a closer look HERE


Disney Movie MayhamAnd just in case we didn’t already think we were at the Chuck-E-Cheese of sushi restaurants, the waitstaff was forced to put on an awful lip-synced Disney musical mash-up slash blatant request for us to order more beer and sake.  The Wizard of Oz lion mask utilized for the Lion King number was so faded and disgusting that it actually looks to have been peeled off a dead shut-in.


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